Click for English and Spanish Updates. Actualizaciones en inglés y español.
- Regular class today
- $750 raised for RE on Saturday
- Feb 9 - Spanish RCIA Rite of Entrance (bring Sponsor)
- Feb 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day
- Feb 18th - Parent Meeting in Parish Hall during RE
- Feb 18th - Student documents due
- Feb 25th - Sponsor documents due
- Mar 5th - Ash Wednesday
- Mar 8-9th - Rite of Elect w/ Archdiocese
A word of welcome to Father David Muñoz-Lopez, OMI as he takes the helm as pastor at Our Lady of San Juan Parish & Shrine. Congratulations, Fr. David, and welcome to the Parish.
The Parish and Shrine of San Juan de Los Lagos was proud to well this group of young men who are discerning a call from God to serve as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. They hail from various states like Illinois, California, Tennessee, Texas and other states. Let's keep them in our prayers.
We want to thank those parishioners who have pledged helping with the Capital Campaign for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. At the moment, we have $32,211.00 dollars in pledges and $4,091.00 in gifts. May God bless each and everyone who is assisting and, we also want to encourage others to lend a helping had that we may meet our goal of $268,000.00 in three years.